Sculptra injection – a long-acting filler
Sculptra injection is a long-acting filler that helps rejuvenate the skin, reshape facial features, and cause minimal body rejection. It is suitable for eliminating mimic wrinkles, and scars, and giving volume to facial tissues.
The procedure lasts no more than half an hour and requires a minimum course of rehabilitation after application. In addition to shaping and giving physical volume, it stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin. The effectiveness of the Sculptra injection lasts up to 25 months.
What is Sculptra cosmetic injection?
Sculptra is an injectable for restoring the volume of facial tissues. After the Sculptra procedure, the skin becomes rejuvenated, softer and velvety. The main purpose of this injectable is to stimulate the production of its own collagen, while the active substance of the drug is gradually excreted from the body.
Sculptra is used to correct the following areas:
- Cheekbones
- Cheeks
- Nose
- Mouth
- Chin
Sculptra injectable began to be distributed in European markets in 2000, despite the fact that it was originally developed and intended to help HIV-infected people. With the help of this injectable, doctors were able to restore the volume of facial tissues in HIV patients. Its main active substance is polylactic acid. This is a synthetic drug that practically does not cause rejection and allergic reactions.
In addition, the active substance of the filler was previously used in surgery as a suture material, because it can dissolve on its own.
The action of the acid in this preparation helps to synthesize collagen fibers in the patient’s body and eliminates facial folds and wrinkles. On the basis of the conducted studies, doctors found that several injections of the substance increase the reproduction of collagen by 40%. After the introduction of Sculptra under the skin, the product adds volume to the necessary areas of the face and helps to synthesize collagen, then the active substances of the filler break down and are excreted naturally.

How does Sculptra injection affect the body?
What is included in the composition of Sculptra?
After being injected under the skin, the Sculptra filler enters the upper layer of the subcutaneous tissue, and its active component fills the voids that cause folds, wrinkles, and volume deficiency. After that, the water contained in the product is gradually absorbed, and the action of the solution passes into the second stage.
At this stage, the active substance promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers, and tissues are restored naturally for a long time. At this time, wrinkles disappear the contour of the face improves. The injected filler can act in the body for 2 years or more.
The main active ingredient of Sculptra is polylactic acid, which is a polymer of lactic acid. During physical activity, lactic acid is produced in the muscles. The acid that is used in the production of the filler is made in a laboratory, and neither animal products nor human DNA is present in it. Under the influence of the body’s own enzymes, polylactic acid is destroyed and gradually excreted.
Indications for the use of the solution
Sculptra helps to compensate for the lack of volume in various parts of the face (cheekbones, chin, temples); contributes to the correction of the oval of the face and the relief of the skin. In addition, it can be used to smooth the skin of hands over the age of 45. It helps fight wrinkles and folds in the skin. And the solution also removes scars and marks, corrects the shape of the eyebrows, and helps to cope with sagging skin in the abdomen and hips.

Is Sculptra injection approved by the FDA?
Yes. In 2009, Sculptra was approved as a cosmetic product in the US. In recent years, this drug has also become popular in Canada and Europe. It is currently approved in more than 20 countries around the world. Slowly but surely, Sculptra is moving towards becoming the No. 1 tool in cosmetology.
Advantages and disadvantages of the injectable
- Replenishment of volume occurs naturally, due to the synthesis of collagen fibers
- Prolonged action of the drug.
- It does not work well with small wrinkles and is better suited for filling large volumes of voids in fabrics.
- It is not recommended to be used near the lips and eyes.
Its use is not recommended in acute stages of infections, in the presence of inflammation in the corrected area. It is not used if the patient has problems with blood clotting, autoimmune diseases, or malignant tumors.
It is not recommended for kidney pathologies or allergic reactions to the active ingredients of the solution. Do not use it for skin diseases. Do not recommend the use of the filler to pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
The technique of Sculptra injection
The solution is administered by injection and the whole procedure does not take more than half an hour. After injections, the patient does not require hospitalization, and s/he can immediately go home.
Before the session, the aesthetician must calculate the dosage of the product, how to dilute the Sculptra injectable and the frequency of its administration. In order to reduce pain, the aesthetician applies an anesthetic cream to the skin, which reduces the discomfort from needle punctures.
Filler injections are carried out not once, but the whole course. Usually, these are three procedures with breaks from 30 days to one and a half months. The duration of the course of treatment is calculated by the cosmetologist and is based on the individual characteristics of the.
The effectiveness of the drug can be seen 6 months after the course of injections. Prolonged action helps to rejuvenate the patient’s skin for more than 2 years. Cosmetologists recommend using this filler for patients over the age of 35.
The drug comes with a cannula that does not injure blood vessels or nerves, and after punctures, there are practically no hematomas and bruises. A major role in the procedure is played by the professionalism of the aesthetician. After the injection, it is recommended to put a heating pad filled with ice at the site of exposure for half an hour.
The patient does not need a rehabilitation course, but within 14 days s/he should not visit the steam room, sunbathe, or play sports.

The side effects of the procedure
Sometimes swelling of the tissues, local redness and bruising can occur at the puncture site. They usually go away within 7-10 days on their own without the use of any additional treatment.
Small subcutaneous lumps or bumps may also occur at the injection site. They are not visible, but the patient can feel them on palpation. For their rapid resorption, you can apply a light facial massage.
In order to minimize the risk of infection of the punctures, patients are advised not to use any cosmetics one to two days after the procedure, and aspirin and ibuprofen should be discontinued. Refusal of these medications will reduce the likelihood of bruising on the face after the session.
Can you have other procedures along with the Sculptra injection?
Most often, Sculptra injections can be combined with other cosmetic effects. But you should be careful when it comes to thermage, because exposure to radio waves on the injection sites contributes to the production of large amounts of collagen, therefore huge bumps can appear on the skin.
Cosmetologists recommend performing thermage before Sculptra is injected into the subcutaneous tissue.
Sculptra can be injected with other fillers, and combined with Botox. But at the same time, the rejuvenating effect of this remedy is not combined with the injection of silicone and a number of other substances.
Therefore, if you want to combine another cosmetic procedure with Sculptra, you should consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist.