Buffalo hump treatment with Morpheus 8

Buffalo hump treatment with Morpheus 8

Buffalo hump treatment with Morpheus 8

Excess fat can accumulate anywhere on the body, including the back.  Today’s topic is about buffalo hump which refers to a collection of excess fat behind the neck that causes the shoulders to develop a hump-like shape. It can be caused by a variety of underlying conditions or medications.

Treatment of a buffalo hump is largely dependent on the cause. If the underlying cause is due to medication use, a healthcare professional may want to alter the medication dosage or stop it altogether. In the case of Cushing syndrome, surgery, prescription medications, or other treatments may be required to address the elevated cortisol levels.

For many people, diet and exercise alone won’t eliminate the enlarged fat, which forms the buffalo hump, due to the fat that develops being more fibrous than that which develops in other areas. This is because the neck typically contains more scar tissue and other dense materials.

Neck Hump treatments

What is a buffalo hump?

The buffalo hump (dorsocervical fat pad) is a fat accumulation behind the neck that develops into a hump.

A buffalo hump is often associated with the bad posture of sitting with your head forward. Slouching for hours can lead the body to protect the spine by developing a fat pad.

Most buffalo humps are not harmful, though there are instances when they can point to underlying health concerns. Some people feel pain and discomfort from a dorsocervical fat pad, finding it difficult to move their head and neck.

buffalo hump treatment los angeles

Buffalo hump treatments

Physical therapy and massage

A physical therapist can help you work with your body, advising some specific neck hump exercises and massages to correct your posture and reduce that buffalo hump.

The activities advised may be anything from daily targeted exercises to a heavy-duty course of massage, designed to put you back together again.


It is always recommended to attempt to lose excess fat with diet and exercise first; however, it is impossible to spot-treat specific areas – including buffalo humps. Often, it will be very challenging to get rid of a buffalo hump through diet and exercise alone, but especially true if your buffalo hump is due to medications or another medical reason which would need to be treated first.

Liposuction of the upper back is another surgical method to reduce the size and contour the shape of the back to reduce or eliminate the appearance of a buffalo hump.

The buffalo hump treatment procedure with Morpheus8

Many of you prefer to try other non-surgical methods to achieve your desired goals. Fortunately, patients don’t have to go under the knife to treat buffalo hump. Morpheus 8 treatment is known for its skin-regeneration and youth-enhancing abilities, which can also help to eliminate excess fat in the back.

Morpheus 8 for buffalo hump treatment is an incredibly transformative fractional skin therapy treatment that achieves dramatic results in renewing and lifting the skin for improved texture, laxity, and structure.

buffalo hump treatment with Morpheus 8 before
buffalo hump treatment with Morpheus 8 after


A topical anesthetic will be applied to your skin approximately 45 minutes before your Morpheus 8 treatment begins. This will help to minimize any discomfort that you may experience. Once your skin is numbed appropriately, the handheld device is placed over the skin where it will emit radiofrequency energy that targets the deeper layers of the skin to start producing collagen and elastin, two of the building blocks needed for skin regeneration. The warmth also helps to liquefy fat in the cells, so that it can be metabolized and passed out of the body, reducing the amount of fat in the target area. At the same time, the ultra-fine needles will create dozens of micro-injuries to the skin which also stimulates the healing response. During buffalo hump treatment patients may feel some warmth and tingling but shouldn’t experience any pain. The entire process should take around half an hour, excluding numbing time.

You can expect to start seeing results quickly. And since the buffalo hump treatment with Morpheus 8 removes the fat cells in the problem area, most people do not have to worry about their hump returning.

What’s the best solution for unwanted hair?

get rid of unwanted hair with laser hair removal Los Angeles

What’s the best solution for unwanted hair?

Unwanted hair is undesirable for various cultural, social, cosmetic, or psychological reasons. Unwanted hair usually results in feelings of embarrassment or emotional burden that may further impede relationships and daily activities. It is a very big cosmetic problem for women and men. Why carry this emotional burden when laser hair removal treatment is so effective in curing this problem?

What is laser hair removal?

Using a laser or other light-based instrument to target hair follicles at their source and prevent them from growing hair is known as laser hair removal. The laser locates hair follicles, then hits them with a burst of light that heats them up and causes them to die. A dead follicle is less likely to continue producing unwanted hair for a long period of time. The skin becomes as smooth as a baby’s bottom as the remaining hair in the follicle falls out. It’s not permanent, but it is a very long-term solution. Some patients go a year without needing a touch-up.

benefits of laser hair removal treatment Los Angeles

Why choose laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is the best and most effective solution for unwanted hairs that won’t go away. If you need a little help eliminating unwanted hairs, laser technology is the perfect way to go. Say goodbye to unpleasant, time-consuming hair removal techniques like threading, tweezing, waxing, and shaving.

In fact, laser hair removal is one of the most widely performed cosmetic procedures today and is quite liked by many people. The laser works by emitting powerful beams of light onto the skin that slowly kills the hair follicles underneath the dermis and epidermis of the skin. It is a painless and permanent solution to unwanted and irritating hairs.

For the best results, you will have to attend a few treatment sessions. The amount of sessions you need will depend on the area of the body that needs to be treated and the amount of hair that you have in the designated area. It is quick, painless, and highly effective.

laser hair removal on woman's neck

How does laser hair removal work?

Let’s start by acknowledging that the only genuinely permanent method of getting rid of unwanted hair is laser hair removal. It’s also a safe procedure that uses a laser device to eliminate the hair from the entire area being treated.

Lasers generate pulses of energy to remove unwanted hair. The laser is attracted to the dark hair on your body, leaving the rest of your skin untouched. These pulses of energy interfere with your hair follicles, preventing them from growing new hair.

Usually, it takes a few treatments before your body totally stops producing new hair. Your hair follicles are eventually blocked off by laser radiation, which stops the creation of new body hair. Due to this, laser hair removal treatments become very effective and durable. Shaving or other temporary hair removal treatments won’t be a concern for you anymore.

The results

You’ll notice a considerable reduction in unwanted hair following the procedure, with more lasting benefits appearing after the whole course of treatment.

Areas for laser hair removal

You can get rid of unwanted hair on your legs, face, chin, chest, back, underarms, arms, and bikini area with laser hair removal.

7 benefits of laser hair removal for unwanted hair

1. Time-saving

The laser emits pulses of light at a fraction of a second and can also treat a number of unwanted hairs at the same time. An area the size of a quarter can be treated each time with the laser so it gets rid of hairs much faster than other methods of hair removal.

2. No downtime

While the skin may appear somewhat reddened and puffy following a laser hair removal procedure, you may very much resume your normal activities right afterwards. Since it’s non-invasive, there’s no downtime to worry about. The only thing you cannot do is immediately utilize a tanning bed, sun light, or walk outside in the sun.

3. Less painful

Laser hair removal is a lot less painful than most people think. Many compare it to the sensation of a rubber band being snapped on the skin. Depending on your pain level, you could find it a little painful, but because the sessions go by so quickly, most people find it tolerable.

4. Long-term solution

The hair follicles won’t regrow after they’ve been destroyed. This implies that you might receive long-lasting effects and finally say goodbye to unwanted hair.

5. Eliminate ingrown hairs

You can prevent and eliminate ingrown hairs with laser hair removal. The easiest way to prevent annoying ingrown hairs and the possibility of having to have them removed is to use this technique. For those with sensitive skin who get skin rashes after shaving or waxing, laser hair removal is a fantastic alternative.

6. Minimal side effects

The intensity and quantity of adverse effects have decreased due to improvements in laser treatments, which have made them less painful and more effective. Follicular edema, or redness at the follicle that lasts 24–48 hours, is the most typical adverse reaction.

7. Gives a smooth skin

The added benefit of getting laser hair removal treatment is that it can help to give you smooth skin. This is something you don’t get when opting for shaving or waxing methods because sharp stubble grows back after a while, and it can feel rough when you’re touching it.

Furthermore, with the application of conventional hair removal methods, issues such as irritation and redness on the skin, ingrown hair growth, etc., can surface. This impacts the smoothness of the skin.

Facial laser hair removal before-after Los Angeles

Unwanted Hair FAQs

Laser hair removal is significantly less painful than waxing, tweezing, razor burns, or cuts from shaving.

Since the laser can treat multiple hair follicles with each pulse, smaller treatment areas such as the upper lip can take as little as five minutes. Whereas larger areas, such as full legs or back will take longer, 20 or 30 minutes.

Typically it will take six to eight treatments to achieve a full clear area, but there are certain people who only need four treatments.

Even though laser hair removal lessens the amount of unwanted hairs in a certain location, it cannot entirely destroy them. When the hair grows back, it will be finer, lighter, and smaller in number.

Ingrown hairs may be treated by laser hair removal, which is one of the fantastic advantages of this treatment. This is a miracle for people who tend to get ingrown hairs from shaving their legs or bikini area. Making the switch to laser hair removal will not only result in more effective and long-lasting hair removal, but it will also leave your skin cleaner, smoother, and less irritated.

Anyone who desires to get laser hair removal treatment may do so. Some people may be better candidates than others for successful laser treatment, depending on their skin type and other conditions.

The hair follicles are heated and damaged by laser beams during laser hair removal, temporarily stopping the growth of new hair.